How To monetize your knowledge or Skill

In recent time, you will bear with me that the shift from industrial Age to Information Age has made learning easier.
You can embrace any Digital Product that suites your knowledge more to sell your knowledge or Skill. Leveraging on technology is the best way to enable you access millions of customers allover the world and make cool cash just at your comfort zone.

After a survey, we discovered that some people have set-backs while they are yet to monetize their skills/knowledge.

Their reasons are as follows:

1) They feel that they are not good enough:  
Interesting! May i inform you that the little you know as a beginner or intermediate, there is over a million people who don't know that little you know.

What do you do then? Monetize that little to enable you buy advance course to attain expert level.
It is in practicing that you attract expert  stage. You can be a beginner or intermediate, you must not be an expert before you begin to monetize your skill.

2) Multi-Talented 
This category of people are confused. They don't know which particular Skill or knowledge to monetize. They are stylist, singers, teachers and Designers,hence etc,  they become confused to choose among these skills.

Ask Yourself These Questions:

- which of those skills do you enjoy doing, which are you passionate about?
- The one that you can speak on over hours  without getting tired?
- Which one has the biggest market size? Who needs me most?

You know yourself  better than anyone. Do your analysis and discover the area where you fit in best. Choose and monetize it. I see you excelling.

3) Those who Have mindset Block
This set of people are deformed. They lack adequate information about their field and Salesmanship. 

They ask questions like; will they buy? Seriously! You have not done market survey/research and you allowed fear of the unknown to grip you? Before you doubt yourself or your potentials, ask questions. Dig deep to know the unknown, Learn from those in the business or mentors. 

I believe that at this stage, you have been able to handle those barriers if you fall within any of the above mentioned categories. 

Now let me take you through the path of positioning As An Expert 

PV + GV + EP = TE.   (Tricia's formula)

PV = Personal voice 
GV = Great Value 
EP = Electronic Publishing
TE = Trusted Expert Status 

You should have a personal voice which you have to develop over time. What follows next is Great Value, people don't buy dirt. They are interested in Values so be ready to provide GREAT VALUE.

Now you can use Electronic Publishing to dispatch those values and get paid . That takes us to digital Products which I call the market products of 21st century. They include E- books, webinars, video course, seminars, Email course, membership, etc.

Go on Google search for the most searched solution on your field. Compile it and publish it. You can use  a live video to speak on those  topics.

Meanwhile you will need to master some skills or you employ expert to handle them if you must survive in the online space .

(A) Copywriting: You should have the ability to write Ads and letters that sell. master  persuasive writing. Your Ad must grab attention, pick interest, touch emotions, have call to Action and create urgency..

(B) Email Marketing:. Build Email list and nurture the list. How do you get the email addresses? Give free sample of your product which can be E-book or free video course but make sure they fill in their email addresses before having access to the free item.

After getting the email addresses, Nurture them. 
Email Sequence and frequency: This has to do with how you arrange your email and how often you send emails to your prospects or customers. That can be weekly, after 14days or  monthly.

You must use some tricks to make people read your emails. The more interesting, the more people open your email. Master copywriting.
For your email marketing, you can use MailChimp, mailerlite or convert kit.

(C) Build Sales Funnel: most Product failures I have seen over the years that had less to do with with the product and more to do with their inability to communicate the its value to the audience.

For instance, If you had an E-book to launch, raise a  campaign for pre-launch, launch and post launch, involve people in the process of writing. You can even design two book covers to ask them to choose between them.
At the launch stage , you can capture  an attractive page of the paper work, post it or send to your Email list for subscribers .

(D) Video marketing:. This is another vital skill . It is statistical proven that 68% of online purchase done in 2019 were made after watching video of the product. 

For your video course, you can use a good camera phone to record a video and upload it on Google drive or Zippyshare for free. If you have a website or YouTube channel, those are better options too. Another place to launch your video course is webinar.

Note: In the journey of monetize your skill, there are some people who will come for free such as friends and family members  others are some cunning prospects who will come to pick your brain.
Some of them will like to buy you over with a plate of meal by requesting for an outing.
You can say No but blaming it on appointments or not been free at that period.
Another way is by telling them boldly that you have family and friends price for them. So you reduce the cost for them while they buy. Treat business as business. Happy selling!

Why you keep allowing Brainpickers
- Because you are people pleaser. You don't want them to feel bad. You are thinking in your head, what will they say? They will call me wicked person. Amazing! If you keep allowing those thoughts to hurt you then you can't be in business. Treat business as a separate Entity.

- Another reason why you allow Brainpickers is because you don't have a structure to monetize your knowledge or Skill. So people will be coming for free. If you define it and set up a model for it, people will know that you are in for business hence pay for your service.

I hope to see more people putting this into practice and become multi millionaires.

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